Best of Lego 2018 and 2019

Okay, so it’s an inevitable result of several years of amazing Lego releases: I simply do not have room for them anymore. So even though I’m still actively buying, I’m also trying to sell a lot and keep some kind of balance. This makes it harder for new sets to really grab me, and only the really unmissable ones make the cut. That’s why I didn’t make a list of the best Lego sets of 2018 and why I don’t really have enough for a good 2019 list either. But having caught up on some stuff, let’s see what sets and figures were the best of both years.


Queasy Unikitty was the best release of the collectible Unikitty figures and allowed me to sell off my Seacow with the adorable Queasy Kitty included, since this was basically the same figure.

Nya Kabuki was caught up in TRU’s destruction and what should have been an easy set to find (since it was overshadowed by Marvel, Potter and Jurassic Park sets) became really rare. This was an awesome figure though and well worth tracking down.

Dragon Suit Guy was the greatest among many great costumed figures and I’ve built an entire squad of this guy.

Lobo is, in fact, the best minifigure of 2018. Or, he would be if Lego’s stupid printing quality issues hadn’t gotten in the way. Still a really cool figure and crazy that we got such an adult oriented character anywhere near Lego.

Hagrid rounds out the year with a custom body that really captures the character while staying within the system as much as possible. Although there’s several great Potterverse figures like Luna, Hermione, Remus and Mad-Eye, Hagrid takes the win here.

Monkey King is another nod to the Chinese community and a stunning figure on his own. I love the colours and all the detail, and I look forward to getting the plain but useful shoulderpads in other colours.

Sweet Mayhem is probably the coolest Lego figure in years, with her space outfit and pearlescent hair. The only major problem with her is having to decide to show that amazing helmet or the awesome hair.

Lenny was the standout of the already awesome nostalgia set that is Benny’s Space Squad. Getting a classic space guy in pink was a great treat and so was not having it be the token female one.

Hercules was the best of a big range of great Disney figures in this year’s collectible line. Jasmine, Hades, Elsa and Scrooge and the triplets also deserve mention, but Hercules took the crown with a great selection of colours and accessories.

Tracer led the line for Overwatch and the poster girl of the game got a great figure. Unlike Mercy she wasn’t ruined by poor printing, and she’s already a pop culture classic.

As for sets, 2018 was marred by a strange mix of themes. Elves was winding down with a subseries infected way too much by teal, Nexo Knights did the same but in black and green, and there was a specific Unikitty series as well as a short-lived Power Puff Girls line. The Brickheadz line focused on Justice League and The Last Jedi characters and is somehow still surviving. Friends went racing, City went arctic (again) and Ninjago went spinning in two separate directions (literally). 2019 saw the excellent The Lego Movie 2 release with a couple of amazing sets and many dull ones as the movie focused on three very distinct themes: post-apocalypse, gaudy blue-green space and colourful pink stuff. Hidden Side was the new action theme, replacing Nexo Knights and Elves. City went into space with a neat realistic exploration line and Ninjago went back to the classics.


5) Vestas Wind Turbine
I hesitated to get this at the original price but caught it at a sale, and it’s a pretty cool build. While the techniques are fairly plain, the sheer size of this makes it look great and it will be a fantastic backdrop for when I eventually build a full Lego city.

4) Lego 40 Years LEGO Minifigure
I grabbed this employee exclusive for a single reason: the Blacktron reissue hidden within one of the presents. But as it turned out, the build was a great oversized replica of Santa and his sled complete with reindeer and it will become a Christmas ornament from now on.

3) Downtown Diner
The yearly modular wasn’t the best this year, but the Diner still deserves a lot of praise for some ridiculously inventive building signed Mike Psiaki. The way the side windows are attached still blows my mind.

2) Ninjago City Docks
Docks was a strange addition to the great Ninjago City itself, with even more crazyness spread over a wider surface. Eventually I will have to take down both these marvellous sets since they simply don’t fit with anything else, but for now, it’s pretty magnificent.

1) Roller Coaster
I waited a bit for this set too, but couldn’t resist a good offer. While the build is remarkably repetitive, the finished set is as great as it is huge. When motorized, it works splendidly, even though I’ve noticed it slowly deteriorating. Eventually, this will be the centerpiece of my fairground area.

5) Ultrakatty & Warrior Lucy!
While the post-apocalyptic The Lego Movie 2 sets mostly failed to excite me, the concept of Unikitty becoming a Road Warrior was too great to ignore. A huge figure taking lessons from the Elves dragons, with a unique five-wide piece for her face, Ultrakatty is worth picking up before these sets disappear forever.

4) Corner Garage
The obligatory modular only placed on this list because I missed several others (see below). It was fine and I enjoyed having a big building in dark orange again, but there were only a few really great designs in this.

3) Slave I
While most of the Star Wars anniversary sets were fairly dull, this was an amazing update to the Slave I design and almost as great as the UCS version.

2) NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander
We continue the space theme with an excellent set made to celebrate the anniversary of the moon landing. This set looks fantastic on display and will stay that way for a long time.


1) Benny’s Space Squad

But really, put three brand new classic space figures in a cheap set and watch me buy a ton of them. I lost count somewhere around the eighth of these and I will continue to grab them on sale as I find them.

And so that I don’t forget them entirely, here’s the top five sets I would have gotten if space had permitted:

5) Gingerbread House – I already have a Christmas display with the toy shop and various others so it had to wait.

4) Central Perk – I wanted it mostly for the parts and for selling off the figures so it was not a huge priority.

3) Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner – it being region exclusive made it a little easier to skip it, but I really wanted this pretty little set. I did get a bunch of printed food parts to use later though.

2) Ford Mustang – Since I don’t really collect cars, I could skip this, but I may have to pick it up later since by all accounts it’s a great one.

1) Tree House – I didn’t look forward to this, but the finished set looks great. Once I find a deal, it will be mine.

En tanke kring ”Best of Lego 2018 and 2019

  1. Erik Malm

    Årslista 2019

    Årets spel: Million Arthur: Arcana Blood

    Motivering: Det har varit ett påvert fightingår, så jag skarvar och låtsas att det inte släpptes redan i november 2018. MAAB är med ett genialt elemental-system och 31 assistkaraktärer lättspelat utan att därför sakna djup och variation. Fortsätter ArcSys på sin inslagna väg får Examu ta över som airdasher-subgenrens fanbärare. Beklämmande.

    Årets karaktär: Darli Dagger (Samurai Shodown) kommer närmast.

    Motivering: Designen är lite väl… ”thirsty”, och här finns mycket icke-realiserad potential (varför kan hon inte kasta verktyg eller bygga maskiner som Motochika i Sengoku Basara X?), men hur ofta får man slåss med såg, borr och änterhake?

    Årets karaktärstema: ”Shizen no Waltz” (”Nature’s Waltz”) (Nakoruru, Samurai Shodown)

    Motivering: Rofyllt stycke som väver in hennes klassiska Shizen no Utage (”Nature’s Feast”) från SS1. SNKs kanske starkaste melodi, även om Charlottes Zoku Hakurai Onna (”Foreign Woman – Continuation”) från SS2 fortfarande är genrens mest stämningsfulla.

    Årets tecknade serie: Peppa Pig

    Motivering: Stämningen är mysig, och det är befriande att se något som *nästan* helt saknar ironi/referenser och vars dialog inte går i överljudsfart. Man hänger med även på danska (”Gurli Gris”) och spanska (”Pepa la cerdita”). Dessutom grymtar grisarna ofta före/efter sina repliker. *snort* ^_^

    Mrs. Wolf: I always forget, what’s your house made of, Mr. Pig?

    Mr. Pig: It’s made of bricks.

    Mrs. Wolf: Not straw?

    Mr. Pig: Bricks.

    Mrs. Wolf: Oh, of course.

    Årets låt: Omoi feat. Hatsune Miku, ”Teioh Education” (”Emperor Education”)

    Motivering: Apropå överljudshastighet…. Omoi följer upp oemotståndliga ”Nee William” (”Listen, William”) från 2013 med ett ännu mer hysteriskt Vocaloid-nummer med sedvanligt kryptisk, uppfordrande text. Låt det aldrig vara sagt att jag inte kan uppskatta höga BPM-tal….

    Årets chips: Tyrrell’s hand-cooked English crisps – sea salt & black pepper

    Motivering: Salt och peppar borde varken vara ovanligt eller svårt att lyckas med. Likväl matchas (heh) de här ”lyxchipsen” (35:-/150 gram) endast av OLWs fotbollschips från sommaren 2006. Måste förresten ~åtta av tio svenska chipssorter innehålla sourcream?

    Årets efterrätt: Sätrabagarns kanelbullar

    Motivering: Något sliskiga (sockret smälter så att man måste hålla bullen i hushållspapper!), men kanelsmaken kan nästan mäta sig med Skogah(olm)s legendariska kanellängd från det lika legendariska 1997. Och den är, inser jag nu, en del av mitt ”Full-Course Meal” (målsättningen i mangan/animen ”Toriko”: att sammanställa en perfekt måltid).

    Årets YouTubekanal: Doctor Butler

    Motivering: Butler och hans vänner Kat och Julian spelar (mestadels) fightingspel, från AAA-titlar till så obskyra att jag troligtvis aldrig skulle ha stött på dem någon annanstans. Kommentarspåret är allt jag önskar mig i en spelkanal: insatt, slagfärdigt och fullt av utvikningar om allt mellan Vanessa Carltons pianoåkande i den klassiska “A Thousand Miles”-videon och Rule 34-artwork på skeletten Sans och Papyrus från Undertale.

    Ibland postar han även imponerande professionella “The Making of”-dokumentärer om fightingserier. Ibland innehåller dessa instrumentala versioner av 90-talshits som “Good Vibrations” och “Another Night”. Behöver jag säga mer?

    Årets dansk-svenska meningsexempel:

    Jeg gik på lokum og blev angrebet af to spaghettisvin.

    När jag gick på toa hoppade två spaghettilirare på mig.

    Motivering: Typisk dansk smått rasistisk beskrivning av italienare och deras förehavanden.

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